by Lee Safin
We have always known Basil as a culinary addition, but what we don’t know is the amazing health benefits of Basil. Basil has been a part of holy rituals since the birth of humanity. And soon after that, the plant was revered for its health properties and radical activity.
so, what are the health benefits of Basil?
There are tons of health benefits of basil but we want to write it with a sentence then it will be like, starting from your skin to your kidney problems, basil can solve everything.
Having hundreds of species with significant differences, Basil contains some specific chemicals which can be rarely found. This plant is rich in essential oils like Citronellol, Linalool, Cinnamate, and Terpineol and is widely popular as an anti-inflammatory component. From indigestion condition, skin disease to promoting breast milk. Basil leaf does it all in a precise way.
In this article, we will talk about the 30 amazing benefits of Basil to help you understand its importance and why you desperately need this. Stay tuned with us to have a walk around this beautiful creature and know how it eases you in a thousand ways!
The most common question is, Is eating too much basil bad for you?
Yes! eating too much basil is bad for you. Though basil has tons of health benefits but eating too much basil is harmful to your digestive system.
Some people also ask, Is drinking basil good for you?
Yes! drinking basil is good for you. But you have to control the amount of consumption of the basil. We all know the health benefits for basil but consuming too much basil is harmful for health.
You have already known why you should and how you should intake basil ingredients to lead a healthy life. Now it’s finally time to explore the major 30 advantages you’ll get from this very plant.
Basil contains different essential natural oils like – Citronellol and Terpineol that trigger our immunity system. Also, another beneficial element named Eugenol is found in this plant. Eugenol has all the properties that boost the anti-inflammatory portion of the body.
Basil is another source of balancing pH as it has a minimal amount of acid. On the other hand, taking basil leaves will decrease your hunger appetite. When someone takes this component regularly, their liver gets enough detoxifying enzymes that help reduce fatty liver, which ensures good digestion.
This is the most promising one among the health benefits of Basil.
Fever is a health condition when the temperature of our body increases from 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Though there are many remedies for fever, homemade remedies are best to ensure your good health. And Basil leaf is one of the best ways to cure fever at home.
Take about 10 to 20 basil leaves in a jar and pour water into it. Boil this mixture for up to 15 minutes and check if the water has become green or not. Then add some honey to it and drink at least one glass of this water regularly.
Basil leaf has long been known as a holy component that cures people of respiratory diseases. Diseases like Asthma, wheezing, breathing occurs mainly when someone gets infected through sinusitis. It can turn into a bad cold if you don’t take the necessary remedies instantly.
Basil helps to reduce inflammation as it contains different oils which are highly rich in anti-inflammatory components. Also, this leaf can minimize the possibility of COPD and lung cancer.
From thousands of healing treatments, one of the most common and useful uses of Basil leaf is to reduce blood sugar. Especially if you are prediabetic or have type 2 diabetes, this leaf will help you precisely. Human studies show that Basil can impact our health by decreasing lipid profile and uric acid levels.
You can make tea out of this leaf, soak it in water and drink it in the morning. But before making it your regular routine, it’s better to consult a doctor.
This is the second most amazing health benefit among the health benefits of Basil.
Cholesterol is a fat-like component in our body that is equally important and harmful for health. According to American Heart Association, cholesterol is the main cause of atherosclerosis that gradually results in blood clotting and heart attack.
To prevent this type of condition and maintain a healthy life, Basil can benefit you a lot. It has an essential oil named Eugenol that tends to lower liver- fat, stress-induced fat, and blood clotting.
The most ignored but effective remedy for joint pain is Basil. We are calling it ignorable because almost 90% of the patients don’t actually interest in this pain-relief method. But studies show that Ocimum americanum and Ocimum tenuiflorum– these two herbs related to Basil strongly reduce joint pain and arthritis.
As we know, Basil is a natural plant that ensures no side effects and enhances you to lead a pain-free life. Oils like Linalool and Cinnamate contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that help to care for arthritis, cognitive diseases, fibromyalgia, etc.
Though there is no proven evidence of how Basil protects your stomach, many studies still suggest it to be a good option. It contains anti-bacterial properties in huge amounts. As Basil is an herb, it can cure your intestinal bacteria, abdominal pain, stomach – ache, and so on.
If you are losing interest in regular food because of intestinal gas or suffering from constipation, this leaf has the best solution to eat. By using some leaves on your food, it adds a great flavor, as well as improves your digestive system.
No one can argue with the health benefits of basil.
Maximum hormones in our body are generally released from Adrenal glands. Cortisol is one of those hormones that act mainly as a stress hormone. When we stress about something, this very hormone releases and regulates our blood sugar.
Basil leaves can reduce the flow of Cortisol hormone and prevent elevation by increasing mental endurance. When you chew the leaves or have it as a drink, it will initially lower the rate of stress hormones, and thus, you will enjoy a stressless, peaceful life.
If you are born amidst natural ambiance, you are already familiar with the plants as the treatment to your wounds. From an early age, holy plants are used as a primary medication. But no other plant works as quickly as Basil does.
In the cutaneous healing process, where skin repairs itself, there is an important step of inflammation. Basil leaves help you with that and increases your breaking strength. Then, it takes time to deepen your wound and shortens the healing time.
There are two types of oils in our skin- one that makes the skin unhealthy, and another that cleanses natural oils, like- Terpineol, cinnamate, etc. It helps to clean our faces and remove dust. It also cleanses the clogged pores that might have formed acne.
Also, Basil leaves give a fresh & classy look throughout the day. All you need is just use a small portion of Basil paste and apply it properly on the face. Coldwater will be a good addition to this plant to wash it off.
Sometimes people ask, what does basil do to your body?
If you want us to answer in a sentence, then basil can cure your body starting from detoxifying your body. However, taking too much basil is harmful to your health.
Food is the main source to get energy and, unfortunately, also the only source of toxic properties! No matter how much you try, it’s impossible to receive 0% of harmful elements. So, we need to eliminate all those and detoxify appropriately on a regular basis.
Basil contains some rare and effective diuretic components that help you do so. It will cleanse your kidney and promote the process of detoxifying. Basils are also rich in macro elements like- calcium and potassium that enhance fiber in your body.
Basil tea is the key to the health benefits of basil.
It is an inflammatory disease that damages our gastric mucosa drastically. Though there are many reasons for it, over-medication, irregular eating routines are some major ones. After long research, it is proven that natural herbs are highly effective in that term, and Basil is on the top of the list.
Basil leaf is one of those herbs that surprisingly reduces inflammation of gastritis. Substances like phenolics, saponins, and flavonoids are present in this herb that passively improves your indigestion and cure ulcers. Basil intake up to 15 days is an ideal time frame to reduce your pain.
Fibrosis or Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF) is an insidious disease that sometimes damages your pharynx and esophagus. If it’s not treated early term, it can cause oral cancer.
A small amount of Basil leaf can instantly freshen up your month. Then the anti-bacterial properties present in it kills 99% of the harmful bacteria.
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Basil cures oral conditions like – pemphigus, halitosis, or bad breath, and specifically OSMF.
A lot of people ask, is basil good for high blood pressure?
Yes! Basil is good for high blood pressure. Basil tea and basil power mixture juice are the best to control high blood pressure.
Heart disease or cardiovascular condition is a situation that is caused due to extra consumption of cholesterol. When someone experiences high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes for a long time, he/she has a higher possibility of having heart disease.
Basil, or Ocimum, has a vast effect on this condition and has been used from antiquity to treat heart patients. It has some higher anti-bacterial as well as antioxidant contents that lower blood pressure, ischemia and prevent all cardiovascular issues. It’s the most useful benefit among the health benefits of basil.
In an animal study in 2011, there was research named “Pharmacology Research,” where there was a detailed explanation on the cure and cause of liver disease. It was clearly stated that Holy Basil protects the liver from damage and non-steroidal drugs. The viruses that are the main cause of liver damage quickly run through the blood.
Basil leaves extract different natural oils that generate in our blood and prevent those viruses from causing hepatitis and other liver diseases.
Insect repellents, primarily to protect yourself from mosquitoes, can be challenging as well as risky. We generally tend to spray ourselves with DEET or use chemicals on our bodies. But if you want to avoid these troublesome steps and still want to use an insect repellent, the answer is – basil leaf.
Basil, especially Ocimum americanum (lime basil) and Ocimum sanctum (Holy Basil) are proven to work best in this term. Research has shown that Basil alone can prevent 79% of mosquito species. The oils in it, in general, carry the scent of Basil that frightens the mosquitoes.
Cancer is a blood-affected condition where our immunity system gets weaker day by day. If it takes too much time to detect, cancer might not be cured. But in the early stage, there are some beneficial ways to prevent it from spreading, and natural herbs are among those.
An enzyme named COX- 2 triggers an inflammatory response in the body and enhances carcinogenic activities. Basil inhibits this enzyme and blocks the activities that lower the pain and inflammation in the body. It also improves the physical and mental stress to have a relaxed state of mind.
This point is one of the most important ones among all the issues we’ve talked about before. When you fight with a major disease, it’s your immune system that weakens. Also, a strong immunity system is a prior thing that keeps you healthy. So, you need to take it for granted and add healthy diets to your normal lifestyle.
Basil is a natural plant that is rich in Vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc. It has anti-virus, anti-bacterial components that are all you need as an addition to your healthy life.
Within the wide – range of attempts to boost a leaner physique, one herb that is always neglected- Basil. Most people think of it to be too ordinary to have a good outcome. But in reality, you’ll be surprised to know what it can do to your reproductive hormones!
Holy Basil, also called Tulsi, is a species of the mint family. It contains adaptogen properties that help your body to adapt to any changes or stress. Also, a small dose of Basil can increase the concentration on sexual attraction.
Candida Fungi is a typical element in our intestines- until it starts to react. But the problem is, this fungus can increase within a short period of time, which is called overgrowth.
As we know, basil leaves have a strong territory of antimicrobial elements that work best to eliminate this type of health condition. If you can add some ginger into it and boil it in water, it becomes easier to quickly get rid of this fungus.
But take advice from your doctor before being habituated.
Is basil good for kidneys?
Yes! Basil is good for kidneys. Consuming Basil tea and basil power mixture juice are the best to keep your kidneys fresh for always.
The nephron is the main source of harmful detoxifying elements from our body. When this part of the kidney fails to circulate, we call the condition Nephrolithiasis. The most shocking thing is, about 50% of the people worldwide do not consider the symptoms and don’t get treated at the right time. So, they end up having kidney damage.
One of the main reasons for developing these conditions is dehydration. When your body doesn’t get enough water, the macronutrients, fluids, and salt stick together and create a stone-like substance. Basil leaves have some components that stabilize uric acid in the body.
So, to eliminate the dehydration process and maintain a good kidney, try to add one tablespoon of basil juice to your daily routine.
Though Basil is not proven to be a healer in most cases, it is actually a beneficial addition to improving eyesight. Without depending on your contact glasses or surgery, isn’t it best to try it at least once?
A significant amount of Vitamin A and Vitamin C is present in Basil hugely. As it’s known to all that both vitamins are the essential elements to keep our eyes safe. Another vital component named “Beta- carotene” can also be found in Basil which acts as an antioxidant and creates a barrier in your eyes.
Bad breath is the primary outcome of leading an unhealthy food routine. At first, it might only look like a smelly breath, but it actually affects you in some other ways, like making you prone to different oral diseases.
The first and foremost step to get rid of this embarrassing condition is to change your food habits. All you need to do is reduce the foods that create a terrible smell and include those which have antibacterial properties. And to say about it, no other culinary item can help you like Basil.
It creates a mesmerizing smell and contains all the ingredients to fight against bacteria in your mouth.
According to the Migraine Research Foundation reports, about 90% of the people who suffer from migraines can’t get involved in their work or regular activities for a specific episode. Though there has been a lot of improvement in medical science, the use of natural remedies can’t be suppressed. Basil has been regarded as the most effective remedy for migraines at home.
Basil contains different essential oils that in terms are used to treat headaches. You can drink a cup of tea made of basil leaf or just boil it in water and drink it. But always remember to take proper advice from a professional before doing so.
Basil leaf is not only a solid ingredient for your body parts; also it’s an ideal option to take care of your pimple problems. Basil is a mixture of Linalool, Cinnamate, Terpineol oils that purify our blood cells and eliminates toxic elements.
Basil contains anti-inflammatory components and anti-bacterial elements in massive amounts. You can make an anti-acne mask using these leaves, and adding lemon and boiled water will remove your fungal scars if used daily. But if you are an allergic person to any of these, you might face the opposite!
Basil is a famous face mask used to treat clogged pores. Our skin generally fades out and becomes prone to acne when the natural elements start to go away from our face. It happens more quickly when we face the sun regularly and don’t take proper care. Holy Basil or Tulsi, cleanse your face with the natural oils it has and fights against pores.
Apply some milk with it and mix in a minimal amount. When the mixture is thicker, cover your face with it and wait for 20 minutes. Then scrub it, and offer yourself a healthy, glowy look.
A dry scalp can become a very disgusting condition, especially if you are an outgoing person. When your scalp and root of the hairdo do not get enough food, dryness occurs. Basil is known to be the best homemade remedy for this kind of scalp and to avoid dandruff.
Use a few leaves of Basil, emblic, water, and coconut oil in your blender. Blend it for 5 to 7 minutes to have a smooth paste. You can also boil all these ingredients and then use the watery paste on your scalp. Applying it every 3rd day of the week can fix your issues regarding hair problems.
We live in a busy world amidst a polluted ambiance. When we go out regularly, dust, germs, and debris tend to stick into our faces and turn out to be blackheads. In his regard, natural herbs can only work as the best option without any reaction. And as we know, skin is the most sensitive part, so we can’t take any risk, right?
Talking about herbs, Basil is our first choice as a natural herb. Its antifungal properties will take care of your blackheads and freshen up your skin in a beautiful manner.
Yeast infection is the most common infection found in the private areas of men and women. It generally happens because of an unhygienic lifestyle, especially when someone doesn’t maintain proper caution during sex.
Using warm water and soap is a good way to cleanse this fungus but not a permanent solution. Basil works as an anti-fungus element. When you add basil leaf to the soapy water, it becomes 100% hygienic and perfectly fits your problem.
Weight loss is a gradual process. But what makes it considerable is how quickly we can achieve the goal of becoming slimmer.
Basil leaf is a natural herb full of fiber content. It makes you fuller for a long time by reducing your hunger. When unnecessary cravings are gone, your weight lock will start to break. Also, it is deficient in calories which makes it the best companion in your journey!
500gm to 1800gm of Basils taken in several doses (2 tablespoons each time) during a whole day is a precise amount you can have for health benefits.
Basil plant is mainly known for the antioxidant and anti-bacterial oil ingredients it has. But more than that, it’s important that you take this component in a minimal amount so that you neither feel uncomfortable nor exhausted. You might think that more Basil means more nutrition. But in reality, only 2 tablespoons of basil leaf chopping gives you about 27% of necessary supplements like- Magnesium, Vitamin A, RDA, etc.
Type of Basil | When You Need to Take | Quantity |
Basil Juice | Every Morning (up to 3 months) | Up to 100mg |
Basil leaf (chew) | Once in a week | Up to 2 tablespoons |
Basil powder (culinary) | Anytime | 500 mg (maximum) |
Basil paste | At night | 200 mg |
Basil tea | 2 times a day | 1 cup (each time) |
Raw Basil | Once in a month | 1 tablespoon |
Yes, Basil does help you to lose weight by improving the immunity system of your body.
Weight gain generally happens when we eat more than our needs, and then the body can’t convert the food into energy. Many people suggest that this is why we should eat less. But to be honest, this is not the ideal process! Instead, we should eat healthy food that helps us digest better, consume better and convert our entire appetite into energy.
And not to mention, Basil leaf does it all! The plant has zero calories and zero fat in it. So, you can have it before doing any exercise, or even after coming from an exhausting day. It will ensure that you work out a lot, burn fat, and consume 0% fat. This is the most precious among the health benefits of basil.
Well, no, you can not eat Basil in a considerable amount without taking proper care of your consumption.
Basil is mostly a safe option, but still, you have to be cautious. When you have it in your culinary items, it is fully processed. The same goes for tea, paste, and other boiled and cooked items. But if you take it directly by your mouth, you won’t get the proper benefits from it. Also, it might cause intestinal gas or discomfort in your throat.
And if you eat it too much, it will leave a permanent scar in your throat and liver cancer because of Estragole. Consuming too much basil will not accelerate the health benefits of basil.
tea made of basil leaf - Etsy, eBay
We generally don’t get confused while having a cup of coffee, but when it comes to a natural supplement, we get too questionable! Basil is very few among the natural herbs that can undoubtedly clarify your doubts regarding this thought and help build your health in a delightful way.
We’ve talked about all the beneficial whereabouts of Basil in this article. Now it’s your turn to dive into it! Also, don’t forget to tell us your ideas!
Read More – Does Tulsi Plant Produce Oxygen In Night-Time?
Last update on 2023-01-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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About Lee Safin
Lee Safin was born near Sacramento, California on a prune growing farm. His parents were immigrants from Russia who had fled the Bolshevik Revolution. They were determined to give their children a better life than they had known. Education was the key for Lee and his siblings, so they could make their own way in the world. Lee attended five universities, where he studied plant sciences and soil technologies. He also has many years of experience in the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a commercial fertilizer formulator.
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