by Lee Safin
Gardeners can create ideal growing environments with grow tents. However, many of us don’t know the perfect way to do it. In fact, many gardeners are confused about this question— “can I put a grow tent in my garage?”
Can I Put A Grow Tent In My Garage?
Yes! You can put a grow tent in your garage, but there are some conditions you need to ensure before putting a grow tent in your garage. However, this matter involves answering a few questions.
Most grow tents include lights, fans, and often carbon filters. Most importantly, flexible materials are usually used to make them.
Hot spots are prevented by the reflective material inside. In addition, gardeners can create ideal growing environments with grow tents.
Historically, grow tents have been used by herb growers, and they are also known as a smaller version of grow rooms. Growing plants in this way is a great way to get them used to be in a controlled environment before planting outdoors.
A garage, however, is more suitable for such activities. Growing plants in your garage don’t require you to convert them into a complete grow room. Because the purpose of grown tents is precisely this.
An enthusiast of plants will find this type of valuable equipment. Growing plants is quite critical during the early stages and can affect their life quite significantly. Grow tents allow you to erect a garden in an enclosed environment where you have total control over the situation.
The most important thing is controlling the environment and choosing the right type of plants inside the garage. Because not all types of plants will grow inside a grow tent. You first need to know which kinds of plants will grow healthily in growing plants. Using the correct type of grow tent will help you control the grow tent properly.
The biggest concern of using a grow tent in the garage is the heating issue. If you can ensure a cool environment inside a grow tent, you will have no problem at all.
On the other hand, if you fail to ensure appropriate ventilation, we suggest planting during cool seasons. Ensure that the grow tent has
.The type of grow tent you will pick is directly related to your success in growing plants inside the garage. To make the right decision, here are a few things you must consider.
Avoid picking grow tents, which are mainly made from mold-prone materials. Try to choose thick tent materials to ensure long-lasting durability, which isn’t prone to mold.
It is possible for the growth trays or pots to drip water. That’s why the floor of grow tent must be waterproof. Plus, it would be best if there is a removable Mylar floor tray. Because the inside of the tent can be easily cleaned.
When it comes to indoor gardening, lighting is essential. No matter how small your grow tent is, you must ensure the grow tent has sufficient lighting.
If your grow tent doesn’t have enough lightings, you can’t create a favorable environment for the plants.
In case your grow tent lacks lighting, you can install some LED lights too. However, it will be best if your garage a window from which sufficient natural sunlight can enter during the daytime.
For plants to grow healthily, they require enough air exchange. In case your garage gets too hot, you should provide it with adequate ventilation. Apart from that, you can use it to control the humidity and temperature of your grow tent because.
It is important to have very well-aerated grow tents. An adequate ventilation system is also imperative to reducing foul odors in the room. The exhaust fan and vent should be included in the design.
An indoor grow tent can be used to cultivate a variety of plants. Growing your own vegetables is also possible in a tent. It is a great idea to grow veggies inside a grow tent as they need less time to produce than other plants. A grow tent is ideal for growing different types of vegetables; the following examples are provided:
Tomatoes | Spinach | Radish | Parsley |
Thyme | Bell Pepper | Lettuce | Mushrooms |
Carrots | Beets | Swiss Chard | Ginger |
Arugula | Onion | Rosemary | Mint |
Growers who are starting out should allocate at least two square feet per plant. Growing two plants at the same time is possible for small growers.
There should be at least 2 by 2 ft tent so that they will have 4 sq ft of space. When they are still seedlings, they may appear too prominent. However, when they become fully grown, the plants will cover the entire room.
The tent’s 4 by 4 feet can house 4-6 mature plants, depending on your grow technique and just how carefully you prune and train the plants. The tent can hold 16 seedlings if you plan to use it for seedlings only.
The tent needs to be at least 5 feet by 5 feet if you plan to cultivate more than six mature plants.
If you are looking for authentic reviews on grow tent, check our latest article on “best grow tent.”
The primary purpose of using a grow tent in the garage is to control the internal environment for growing plants.
There are some very compelling reasons to garden in a garage rather than in a backyard.
However, it is necessary to invest in an appropriate growing environment and the electricity needed to run it if you want all these benefits.
It doesn’t matter whether the tents are temporary or semi-permanent—they’re both beneficial. In confined spaces, heat is captured and held, creating a mini-climate. Plants can grow longer than what would be expected in the outside environment.
You can enable your desired planting area to heat up and dry faster by erecting a grow tent in the spring. As a result, earlier transplanting is possible when using the method.
At the start of the growing season, you can take advantage of this by giving yourself two or three weeks extra. During early seedling development, it can also be used as a sheltered environment before placing seedlings into the garden.
A grow tent can be used to keep in heat until the harvest is ripe enough to ripen before frost arrives at the end of the growing season. You will be able to grow tomatoes, peppers, and even potato plants in the more extended artificial season, which will boost their production.
Like greenhouses, grow tents are made with plastic instead of glass. A permanent grow tent can be made from corrugated plastic, such as the kind used on patio roofs. A more temporary structure may be made from 8 mil plastic that lasts for a season or two.
Grow tents are designed differently by gardeners and are only limited by a gardener’s imagination. If you do some research about grow tents, the design differs from one manufacturer to another.
The differences in design will cause different factors to be considered or additional concerns to arise. For instance, the difference in temperature between an indoor and outdoor tent may be a surprise to you.
As with any form of a tent, it depends on various conditions outside, such as the amount of sunlight or cloud cover. You might want to consider including a thermometer inside the tent to monitor this.
What’s more, you might also be curious about how the plants in your grow tent respond when the tent’s door is opened or closed. The weather (as well as the plants) influences this.
However, leaving the tent partially open will not hurt anything if the weather is nice outside for your plants. When the temperature drops below (or is expected to fall down) the acceptable conditions for the plants, close the door.
Ideally, the tent door should be closed a few hours before the sun sets to allow enough time for it to build up enough heat to keep you warm overnight. Close it, and you’ve trapped heat and moisture.
So, can you answer this golden question, “can I put a grow tent in my garage?”
Indeed, you can. We have discussed all the essential things that you should consider before setting up a grow tent in your garage.
So, set up a perfect grow tent in your garage and start growing plants. Happy gardening!
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About Lee Safin
Lee Safin was born near Sacramento, California on a prune growing farm. His parents were immigrants from Russia who had fled the Bolshevik Revolution. They were determined to give their children a better life than they had known. Education was the key for Lee and his siblings, so they could make their own way in the world. Lee attended five universities, where he studied plant sciences and soil technologies. He also has many years of experience in the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a commercial fertilizer formulator.
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